Miyerkules, Enero 18, 2017

Computer Parts And Function

Basic parts and functionality of the computer

Whether it is a telephone with a touch screen, a laptop, a tablet or a desktop, all computers consist of certain basic elements. This basic assembly is formed usually of a motherboard, a processor, central memory, hard disc drive, connections, the monitor as well as the keyboard, mouse or some kind of a touch pad. The majority of the listed parts are inside the cabinet, but knowing them is important in order to manage different problem situations.

The computer case


The computer case contains the most important components of the computer: the motherboard, the processor, random access memory modules, the hard drive etc. It may not be possible to exchange the components in a laptop computer, but in a desktop computer you have much more influence on the parts inside the cases.

The motherboard


The motherboard is the part of the computer where such things as the processor, memory modules, expansion cards and external devices are attached. This means that the motherboard controls the functions of different components. The number of connection slots for peripheral devices and the number and type of memory slots are important properties of the motherboard. In addition to the various connections, the motherboard also has a small battery ensuring that settings made on the board are retained even when the computer is switched off.

The processor

The processor can be considered to be the ‘engine’ of the computer because it executes the lion’s share of the information processing; the processor fetches commands and necessary information from the RAM, carries out the tasks specified by the commands, and returns the processed information to the RAM. The speed of a computer depends largely on the speed of the processor. The processor’s speed, in turn, is affected by various factors, such as the so-called clock frequency (usually expressed as gigahertz, GHz), the number of cores and of the so-called cache memory inside the processor.

Random access memory

The RAM (Random Access Memory) is a memory storage that functions during computer use and is especially utilized by the processor. In modern computers, the amount of RAM is around 4 – 16 GB depending on the type and purpose of the computer (please see data measurement units for more information). The RAM consists of one or more memory modules (see image above). When the computer is started, the operating system is loaded into the RAM (an operating system is a program that controls the devices and programs in a computer – please see operating systems for more information). The computer also loads the files being processed – music, assignments, videos etc. – to the RAM. If there is enough RAM, the computer executes requested tasks quickly. This is why it is a good idea to add to the memory by buying more memory modules as the need arises.




Hard drive


The hard drive is the permanent memory of the computer where saved files remain even when the computer is turned off. This is why the hard drive is used for saving files. The capacity of hard drives varies; currently the typical capacity is 500-1000 GB, but hard drives of over 1500 GB, i.e. 1,5 terabits, are also available. However, the capacity of the internal hard drives in laptop computers is often less than that. You can add to the capacity of your computer by attaching an additional hard drive, either internally or externally. More information about storage sizes can be found here.
The hard disk is used for the storage of the computer’s operating system and all important files. It is therefore packed in a fixed protective housing. The disks may become damaged in spite of this protection, so you should absolutely make backup copies of files on the hard drive from time to time (please see backup copies for more information)!


DVD and Blu-ray drives with writing capabilities


Most computers these days come with a  Blu-ray drive or a DVD (Digital Versatile Disk) drive with writing capabilities, with which you can burn such things as backup copies of important files to DVDs. CD drives are older and have mostly been replaced with DVD drives. CD drives can only burn data on CDs, which have a substantially smaller storage capacity, while DVD drives can burn data to both CDs and DVDs with more capacity (please see recording media for more information).


The display and display adapter


Most computer displays are so-called LCD displays (Liquid Crystal Display), where the image display is produced by liquid crystals between two transparent sheets. Display sizes range between only a few inches in handheld apparatuses to large 24 inch desktop displays. One of the most important features of the display is its resolution, i.e. how many pixels (picture elements) the image consists of.  A normal 22 to 24-inch widescreen display usually has 1920 pixels horizontally and 1200 pixels vertically (1920×1200). These displays can reproduce Full HD (full high definition) image. No matter what the type of display is, the computer must contain a so-called display adapter that allows you to attach the display to the computer and controls the display image. Practically all motherboards come equipped with a display adapter, so you do not need to buy one separately, unless you want to enhance the capabilities of your desktop computer e.g. for gaming, video editing, or 3D imaging purposes.




A standard keyboard has 102 keys. The keys are divided into alphabetical (a-z), numerical (1-0) and special (Function, Ctrl, Alt etc keys). In addition to the usual alphabetical and numerical keys, you should know at least the following special keys that are located among the alphabetical ones. Below are shown some typical keys on a PC keyboard. The keyboard mapping on Mac computers is almost identical to PC keyboards, but the special keys Ctrl and Alt work slightly differently. In addition, the Mac keyboard has Fn and Cmd keys instead of the Windows key.

Ctrl: (Control) is used in combination with other keys for different actions. The combination Ctrl+C, for example, copies the chosen data to the memory.
Alt: (Alternative) is used like the Ctrl key. Sometimes both these keys are used in combination: Ctrl+Alt+Del, for example, brings up the task manager(in Windows XP).
Alt Gr
: (Alternative Graphics) produces the ‘third character’ of the keys, e.g. @, $, £ and }. With this key, you can also create the ~ character (important for the internet). Create the  ~ character as follows: press ALT-GR and the ~ key at the same time, and finish with the space bar.
You can make so-called ascii characters with combinations of the Alt key and numerals, e.g. Alt+0176 makes the character for temperature °. You can choose to either add special characters in this way or through an application. Most text processing programs have their own menu for special characters.
Shift: capitalizes letters and the special characters on the numerical keys, among others.
Caps Lock: locks the capitalization of letters. This function is connected with an A or Caps lock pilot light on the keyboard. It turns on the light when the function is in use.
Tab: the tabulator is mainly used in word processing: each time you press the tab button, the cursor moves to the next tab stop on the same row. The key can also be used for alternating between window displays.
Backspace: removes the characters to the left of the cursor, i.e. what you just wrote. This key can also be used to remove a larger portion of text.
Enter: by pressing this key you can change paragraphs or e.g. accept a function.
There are more special keys above the alphabetical keys; of these the function keys (please see next image) are used for different functions, depending on situation and the program currently being used. The manual for these functions is usually available in the manual for the program.
To the left and right of the function keys, you will find the following additional keys:
Esc (Escape): mostly used to cancel a function, or e.g. to close a menu window.
Home and End: these keys bring the cursor to the top or the bottom of the line.
Page Up and Page Down: move the page up or down.
Insert: starts the insert function, where the text you are writing replaces the text to the right of the cursor.
Delete: deletes the character to the right of the cursor.
Arrow keys: move the cursor in the direction shown by the arrows.
The number pad is activated with the Num Lock key: when it is activated, the pilot light with the symbol 1 or the text Num Lock lights up. Usually the Num Lock function has been set to be turned on when starting up the computer. If the pilot light is not turned on, the keys function in the way indicated by the symbols on the keys (8 up, 4 left, 6 right, 2 down).
The keyboard also has the rarely used keys Print ScreenScroll Lock and Pause. The Print Screen key lets you take a picture of the display (Alt+PrintScreen takes a picture of the currently activated window) and send it to your clipboard, Scroll Lock locks the scrolling of the display and the Pause key can be used e.g. for stopping the loading of the system during start-up.
For more information on hotkeys and key combinations, see the additional reading material.

Pointing devices

Traditionally, most programs have been designed to be used with a mouse. The mouse cursor seen on the screen of the computer moves along with the mouse.  The cursor can be used to select menu commands and areas, as well as activating different objects by clicking the mouse keys.


You can attach a traditional mouse with or without a cord to any computer. Cordless mice use radio waves to relay movement from the mouse to the computer (for this mouse, a small radio receiver is attached to the computer).


Almost all laptop computers have a touchpad which is used to move the cursor. Some models also have a so-called pointing stick. In addition, portable computers have keys with the clicking function of mouses. The  touchpad is a pad where you can control the cursor by moving your finger along the pad. Tapping the pad serves the same function as clicking a mouse.

Pointing stick

The pointing stick is a ‘nub’ located in the middle of the keyboard, and controls the cursor. The pointing stick can be ‘clicked’ by tapping the stick or using the separate buttons in the keyboard. In the right-hand image above, you can see a portable computer with both a pointing stick (blue) and a touchpad (the large, dark grey area in front of the keyboard).


Devices that are smaller than a laptop, such as phones and tablets, usually do not have a separate keyboard or pointer device. In these devices, the entire screen of the device works as an input device. A touchscreen is used like the track pad on a laptop, and when typing is required, a keyboard appears on the screen.

Common Malfunction in Hand Tools, Equipment and Paraphernalia

Common Malfunction in Hand Tools, Equipment and Paraphernalia
The proper use of tools, equipment and paraphernalia will greatly increase efficiency and occupational safety in a workplace. Having the proper knowledge and skills in using such tools is needed in order to operate and use them effectively. But more often than not, problems and malfunctions may arise while using these tools. These malfunctions can be minimized by exercising careful usage of the tools.

Malfunctions and other unplanned and unusual event may not be totally eliminated, but it can surely be minimized.
Listed below are some of the malfunctions and unplanned events when using the different tools in completing a job requirement:
  • When using a driving tool, screws may slip the tip of the screw driver. This happens when the screw driver is not properly aligned with drive of the screw’s head. This can be minimized by making sure that the tip of the screw driver is well secured in the drive of the screw’s head. Using a screw driver with a magnetized tip can also help minimize this type of malfunction.
  • Small objects tend to fall down when being held by a gripping tool like pliers. This usually happens when the jaws of the pliers are blunt, thus making it hard to hold on things. This can be prevented by making sure that gripping tools have well maintained jaws that can grasp objects properly.
Listed below are some of the malfunctions and unplanned events when using the different tools in completing a job requirement (continued):
  • The use of striking tools also imposes a great threat if there will be a malfunction. Common hazards are heads separating away from the handle. This could cause severe injuries to anyone. To avoid this type of accident, the handle of a striking tool must be tightly attached to its head.
  • Mishaps in using cutting tools is also dangerous. Malfunctions may arise from slippage of the material to be cut. This may also happen if a cutting tool is not sharp enough. These unplanned events will cause laceration and wounds to the user. To avoid this, cutting tools must always be kept sharp.
  • Power tools also impose danger during mishaps. Common problems are electrical short circuiting or mechanical problems. Malfunctioning power tools may cause electrocution and even decapitation of the limbs. These accidents can be avoided by making sure that all power tools are well maintained and are in fit operating condition.
  • Diagnostic tools may not impose a threat to the well-being of a worker but inaccurate reading may compromise the completion of a job requirement. Inaccurate reading may occur if a diagnostic tool is not properly calibrated. To avoid this, a regular calibration to all diagnostic tools must be done.
  • There is certainly no absolute way to avoid any unforeseen malfunctions.
  • The only way to minimize them is to have the appropriate knowledge in using the different tools.
  • Proper inspection and assessment of tools must also be practiced to ensure the safety of the worker and the accurate completion of a job requirement.
  • Having a first aid kit in the work area is also necessary so that quick response and cure can be applied in case of any injuries.
Source: https://school.quipper.com/en-PH/index.html

Procedures in Cleaning, Tightening and Simple Repair of Hand Tools, Equipment and Paraphernalia

Procedures in Cleaning, Tightening and Simple Repair of Hand Tools, Equipment and Paraphernalia
Hand tools and equipment are subjected to different levels of abuse while in use. These abuses may result in the tools being dirty, loosely connected or even damaged. Before using any tool or equipment, it is a must that they be inspected properly to ensure that they are operational and safe.

One basic thing to remember to keep hand tools, equipment and paraphernalia clean is to make sure that the workplace is properly organized.
  • The work area must always be kept neat and tidy.
  • All tools and equipment must be placed in a clean and dry place.
  • Clean tools and equipment work more efficiently. This lessens the effort needed to operate them and reduces the possibility of mishaps.
  • Before cleaning any tool, be sure to wear the proper personal protective equipment (PPE). Gloves, masks and goggles are usually worn when cleaning tools since most cleaning agents and solutions are harmful to the human body.
  • Only use cleaning agents as prescribed by the tool or equipment’s manufacturer. Follow the cleaning procedures as well to make sure that no damage will be inflicted on the tools.
  • Cleaning the tools after use is highly recommended.
  • Tools with moving parts often suffer loosening of its parts. This is normal since these segments keep on moving. A tool with loose parts will not function properly and may cause injuries.
  • Gripping tools such as a plier is an example that needs tightening. A plier’s rivet must be well tightened to be able to grip properly.
  • Lubricants must also be applied after tightening to reduce the friction.
  • Driving tools’ handles must also be tightened to reduce hand strain when turning. A loosely connected handle will make it almost impossible to use it.
In doing simple repair of tools, make sure that you are knowledgeable in doing so. Repairing tools without sufficient skills may result to further damage or inflict injuries to the fixer. Small repairs like tightening, sharpening and changing of handles may not require special skills to do. Power tools and specialized equipment on the other hand may require specialized skills in repairing. It is recommended that complicated tools and equipment be brought to the authorized service center. If a tool or equipment is beyond repair, it must be disposed properly.

REMEMBER: It is the responsibility of everyone to maintain the good operating condition of all the hand tools, equipment and paraphernalia in the workplace. Since these tools help in the completion of the different job requirements, keeping them well preserved will make work easier and more efficient.

Source: https://school.quipper.com/en-PH/index.html

Safety Procedures in Using Hand Tools and Equipment

Safety Procedures in Using Hand Tools and Equipment
The use of hand tools in accomplishing tasks and job orders greatly increase the productivity and accuracy of a worker. Although hand tools provide convenience and ease in completing any task, it may also cause injuries and infirmities if used incorrectly. Safety procedures must always be a priority in any workplace so that the security of all is assured.

A worker must always be aware of the task he must accomplish so that he would know the hand tools that he needs. Choosing the correct tools for a specific task will reduce the chance of inflicting bodily injuries. Selecting the wrong tool may damage the tool itself and harm the user. Reading the operational procedures of a particular tool is greatly advised.
Different types of tools can be utilized differently. Listed below are some of the ways to utilize these tools but also maintain safety in using them:
  • Cutting tools such as cutters and saws must always be kept sharp. Dull tools often cause more injuries and malfunctions than a sharp one. It is also required that a worker cut away from his direction or his hands and fingers.
  • Gripping tools such as pliers must maintain a strong grip. Handles must be slip-free, jaws have a strong grip and its blades well sharpened. To utilize this tool. A worker must firmly hold it by its handle and make sure the not too much stress is applied to the wrist or the arm.
  • Driving tools must always be kept straight. Wrenches must be free from any substance that may cause slippage. The jaws must also have a strong grip. Screw drivers must maintain a straight body, a non-slip handle, and an undamaged tip. Proper grip and turning of the wrist will also increase efficiency.
  • A striking tool’s handle must be well attached to its head to avoid it from flying away. To utilize this tool, a worker must hold it comfortably and firmly in his hand before swinging.
  • Diagnostic tools such as a tester must always be calibrated before use. Only use the tools as recommended by the manufacturer.
Work space must also be observed properly. The possibility of harm and injuries is greatly increased by an unsafe workplace. One must always be aware of the hazards that are present in the work area. The space available in the workplace also influences the efficiency and accuracy of using a hand tool. Working in a tight space may require to use a different set of tools that would fit in the limited area.
Correct posture must be practiced when using hand tools. Awkward postures make more demands on your body. In some cases, the placement of the workpiece will affect your shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, or back posture. Whenever possible, choose an ergonomic tool that requires the least continuous force and can be used without awkward postures. The right tool will help you to minimize pain and fatigue by keeping your neck, shoulders, and back relaxed and your arms at your sides.
Use the proper personal protective equipment or PPE necessary to protect you from exposure to potential hazards. PPEs are specialized gear used to protect the worker from falling objects, loud noises, sharp edges, dust and particles, and hazardous chemicals. Wearing a PPE while working will greatly decrease the chances of injuries and discomforts.
REMEMBER:Occupational safety and health procedures are not the sole task of the management. Everyone in the workplace must be vigilant and smart so that accidents and unwanted damages will be avoided.
Source: https://school.quipper.com/en-PH/index.html

Tools In Computer Hardware Service Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) Tools

Tools In Computer Hardware Service

Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) Tools

Static electricity is easily generated by friction on carpets, tile flooring, clothing, hair, fabric, and etc. The friction of moving air alone will charge suspended parties and cause the buildup of static electrical charges on people and objects in the environment. Grounded antistatic work mats used electrostatic electricity. Examples of ESD Tools:

Anti-static wrist strap

Anti-static wrist strap - used to prevent ESD damage to computer equipment.

Anti-static mat

Anti-static mat - used to stand on or place hardware on to prevent static electricity from building up.

Hand Tools

A hand tool is a device for performing work on a material or a physical system using only hands. The hands tools can be manually used employing force, or electrically powered, using electrical current. Examples of Hand Tools:

Flat head screwdriver

Flat head screwdriver - used to loosen or tighten slotted screws.

Philips head screwdriver

Philips head screwdriver - used to loosen or tighten cross-head screws.

Torx screwdriver

Torx screwdriver - used to loosen or tighten screws that have a star-like depression on the top, a feature that is mainly found laptop.

Hex driver

Hex driver - sometimes called a nut driver, is used to tighten nuts in the same way that a screwdriver tightens screws.

Needle-nose plier

Needle-nose plier - used to hold small parts.

Wire cutter

Wire cutter - used to strip and cut wires.


Tweezers - used to manipulate small parts.

Part retriever

Part retriever - used to retrieve parts from location that are too small for your hand to fit.


Flashlight - used to light up areas that you cannot see well.

Cleaning Tools

Having the appropriate cleaning tools is essential when maintaining or repairing computers. Using these tools ensures the computer components are not damage during cleaning. Examples.

Lint-free cloth

Lint-free cloth - used to clean different computer components without scratching or leaving debris.

Compressed air

Compressed air - used to blow away dust and debris from different computer parts without touching the components.

Cable ties

Cable ties - used to bundle cables neatly inside and outside of a computer.

Parts organizer

Parts organized - used to hold screw, jumpers, fasteners and other small parts and prevents them from getting mixed together.

Diagnostic Tools

Computers are easier to use and more dependable with each new generation of hardware and operating system update, but that doesn't mean they're problem-free. Here's the most popular tools for diagnosing your computer problems:


Multimeter -used to test the integrity of circuits and the quality of electricity in computer components.

Loopback Adapter

Loopback Adapter - used to test the functionality of computer ports.
